Organizer game idea

Goal: Given a pile of note cards where each card is a snippet of a piece of literature, when prompted with a snippet, provide the matching card

Conceptual model: You have "walls" where you set up "boxes" and put "note cards" in them.

You can create as many walls as you like. You can decorate each one with up to two colors and one pattern. When not rummaging through a box, the arrow keys will swap between walls.

Each box is automatically numbered. They can be decorated with stickers, up to two colors, and one pattern. Each box is the same shape and size. Each wall can hold any number of boxes.

When a box is opened, the cards are displayed as a scrolling list of text snippets. It either displays the full title, or the first line of text on the card.

Each card has multiple available shapes, border colors, and any number of attributes. All cards with matching attributes are connected. One attribute is dedicated to the number of the box that it is put in, and can be appended to articulate an internal reference.

When selecting a card's attribute, the box view lists all cards with the listed attribute.

You can pull out a number of cards temporarily and go to a view where you can see them all in one place laid out.